EUmies Awards Day 2022
EUmies Awards ceremony
Mies van der Rohe Pavilion
11:30 - Welcome by Anna Ramos, director Fundació Mies van der Rohe
Talk 0
‘Before, during and after the architectural project’ - The experiences of the clients of the 2 winner and 5 finalist works.
12:30 - Awards Ceremony with Mayor of Barcelona, Mrs. Ada Colau, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mrs. Mariya Gabriel, and the President of Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Mrs. Janet Sanz.
EUmies Awards Talks
Mies van der Rohe Pavilion
16:00 - Talk 1
Presentation by Francesca Torzo – Z33, Hasselt
Presentation by peris+toral.arquitectes – 85 Social Housing units, Cornellà de Llobregat
Conversation with jury members
17:00 - Talk 2
Presentation by Deadline Architects – Frizz23, Berlin
Presentation by Grand8 + Mélanie Drevet Paysagiste – The railway farm, Paris
Conversation with jury members
17:55 - Break
18:15 - Talk 3
Presentation by Lacol – La Borda cooperative housing, Barcelona
Presentation by BDR Bureau – Enrico Fermi School, Turin
Presentation by Grafton Architects – Town House Kingston University, London
Conversation with jury members
EUmies Awards Celebration
Espai Serrahima – Esklandestino
Carrer Mèxic 3 (4-minute walk from the Pavilion)
19:30 – Celebration while visiting the exhibition
The exhibition will be open all day long from 11:30 to 00:00
More information and program: www.eumiesaward.com